A true classic if there ever was one.
Now fast-forward to the release of Kingdom Hearts II, the much anticipated follow-up, and not only does it live up to the expectations set for it, it surpasses them by being so fluid and fun. It fixes the problems that plagued the first game, most notably the gameplay. Kingdom Hearts II is one of the fluid and most flat out fun games you'll ever play.
Honestly, tell me if you find an action RPG that's as addictive and satisfying as KH II, then lead me to it, because it doesn't get much better than this. It's main source of inspiration is undoubtedly Legend of Zelda, and it does that legendary game series due justice on so many levels it's literally breathtaking.
The game also has an amazing voice cast which includes, but not limited too, Haley Joel Osment, Christopher Lee, and the cheerleader from Heroes(can't spell her last name xD) and surprisingly, Jesse McCartney, who seems to be everywhere when a project needs voice actors(he actually could make that full time if his music career doesn't pan out). The voice acting is great and on cue, although the Square characters get the shaft on more than one occasion. The music is fluid and and listenable, with the remixed themes of the movies actually being pretty good.
The gameplay's over-reliance on button mashing, while not terrible, is disappointing, considering everything else in the game is revamped to such a degree. Still, it's much more livelier than the previous entry, mainly because slicing up an army of heartless is so addicting and fun. The one feature that helps the gameplay though is the new addition, reaction commands. Reaction commands offer some neat new moves in beating bosses and even common enemies. It all has nice, fluid animations that are fun to experience as it keeps you in the game.
Overall, Disney and Square should be proud of what they have accomplished with these two games. Both are fun and enjoyable and they manage to stay in your memory long after you're done playing, maybe back for seconds. If you haven't played this game yet, you're sorely missing out on a rich, wholeheartedly great game that will be remembered for years to come. A true classic if there ever was one.