Kingdom Hearts Re:coded has been Re:booted Re:loaded and finally Recoded for a solid adventure.

User Rating: 8 | Kingdom Hearts Re:coded DS
While being a solid game Kingdom hearts Re:coded isn't the game you want for the series but for the DS it's a great adventure/

Pros and Cons.
+Smart and satisfying keyblade combat
+Looks amazing
+In-engine story sequences look and sound great +Great gameplay modes what offers a great change
+Some great music
+Character models are decent
+Better than 358 days
+10-15 hours worth of solid adventuring
_The terrible camera makes for some bad platforming (the curse of the DS)
_A lot has been recycled from 358 days/2
_Story isn't that great only to the end
_Multiplayer is bad
_Not much replay value

A solid title in the Kingdom Hearts series but still isn't the classic game we need,
Hopes for the 3ds are high.

But the only thing Kingdom Heart fan will really want this for and it's the ending
that sets the place for the upcoming 3ds game.