Kingdom Hearts starts out slow, and has a lot of technical shortcomings, but ultimately ends up being one of the most enjoyable and fun action RPG's I've ever played. Developed by Square Enix w/ Disney, Kingdom Hearts includes some of fans favorite characters from both Square Enix titles, and Disney movies. There are many different game worlds themed after Walt Disney movies and they're cleverly laid out. You play as Sora, and are accompanied by Goofy and Donald throughout your quest. Each world you visit has an additional Disney character for you to control in that world as well. The game play in Kingdom Hearts consists of puzzle solving and real-time combat that is quite fun. The only shortcomings are in the form of a less than perfect camera and some pretty shoddy controls. Jumping is a hassle and feels clunky, as does controlling Sora at times. Due to Kingdom Hearts having such a wonderful story and fun combat it does not mean these minor short-comings will affect the enjoyment you will have with this title however. Combat is quite well done. You have many options for leveling up your character as well. The highest level I have reached is 67 but I assume you can level into the hundreds which adds a reason to replay. There are also many boss battles that are optional, that while quite tough, are going to add a lot of replay to this title. Graphically the game is beautiful. Technically it's nothing special, but artistically they're wonderful. Everything looks straight out of a Disney movie and the character models are beautiful. The level design is well done and captures the beauty of the worlds which they represent. The music is a blast to listen to and will have you humming along with it as you play. The soundtrack is wonderfully done, and one of the best that Square has done in recent memory. Sound effects and voices are also perfect and well done. Overall Kingdom Hearts ends up being a better game than expected. It has some technical shortcomings and it is quite hard at times, but perserverance and time will have you overcoming the toughest of obstacles and enemies. You'll be glad you did.
This game has been one of the best action RPGs I've ever played in my life. At first I didn't want to like it cause I had the normal, "Don't mess with the childhood Disney legacies." But after I finally tried it I abso... Read Full Review
This game right here is the start of a great series! The first Kingdom Hearts started off a great collaboration between Square and Disney which now spans three games and two systems. This game really caught me by surpr... Read Full Review