I like this games~but i never play it!!sob..I heard from my fren,it so nice and cool ply it!!!ow...i wan it games!!!
but i heard my fren it so Awesome and cool and nice!!!i really wan play it when i heard she saying!
and i knw that the games who my fren told me about the game...
Kingdom Hearts isn't a role-playing game like last year's Final Fantasy X, but it does have plenty of role-playing elements. Your characters gain levels, spells, and special abilities as they proceed in their quest, and you can go out of your way to find special items or go back to town and shop for better equipment. Yet the action all takes place in real time, and there's plenty of it. You'll be fighting the Heartless in virtually every scene of the game, and when you defeat a pack of them, another pack will often materialize right then and there. Kingdom Hearts also has a good number of platform-jumping sequences and a few puzzles to solve. It's a linear game, though sometimes you get a choice of where to go first. It's also a pretty long game--not as lengthy as Final Fantasy X, but certainly a lot bigger than your average 10-hour action adventure. yaya~i agree it combine with FF~so it changes to RPG~cool!