A breathe of fresh air to the lungs of any hardcore rpg gamer. Fun, relaxing, and inspiring.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Kingdom Hearts...

Hmm, well I'm a harcore rpg fan and I must say this game really hit the spot! Its games like these that make you glad to own a PS2. I got my PS2 long after I had an xbox360 and I still had a great time playing it.

Story - Inspiring, and keeps you wondering whats going to happen next. Cinematic cutscenes keep you entertained and tells the story in a fun way.

Gameplay - easy and fun to learn. Not very much brain-power needed.

Graphics - the graphics are well enough to make the game fun. The game has a great atmosphere and lets you feel some of that Disney magic.

This game will probably be more enjoyed by kids between the ages of 10-18.

In my opinion, this is an outstanding game and I recommend it 100% If you need some time off final fantasy and wanna relax and play a great rpg with a great story, look no further than Kingdom Hearts.