Extremely good, although a little kiddy. Definitely fun, but no replay-value.

User Rating: 7.1 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
I liked this game. It had great characters, a great storyline, and a very easy-to-learn interface. The controls do tend to get on my nerves a bit each time I play this game, the jumping can be awkward at times if you're not used to the controls, they're not hard to get the hang of, but as soon as you stop playing the game your knowledge of them goes away. There's quite a bit of innuendo in this game, surprisingly; to be honest I expected this since it's a Disney game. There's underlying hinting at relationships amongst a lot of the characters, and it almost creates a little mystery. I love the inclusion of Final Fantasy and Disney characters, albeit a weird combination. My favorite character was Yuffie, I think they caught the personality of her FF7 character quite well, and she was always my favorite video game character any way. This game seems to be made for kids, but I think the learning curve and amount of attention to detail that has to be paid to this game make it difficult to put it as a children's game. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but they could've made things just a tad simpler for the younger, less sharp players. There are times that this game gets *too* cute, and you have to stop playing or you'll go crazy. That being said, It's still fun, and I could play it for a long while without getting bored. Even though this game was totally fun, and I dug it big-time, it has no reply value. You will not play through the game over and over to see the ending, which really disappointed me. This game was an interesting experiment, and one that turned out well overall, but I'd suggest they stick to their seperate paths - I'm not all that interested in a sequal.