A highly addictive game with highly addictive gameplay.
User Rating: 9.4 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Now, it's pretty hard to come along with a game and be original with it. I mean, there are so many things in gaming today that just steals some ideas from television and incorporates it into video games and makes it there own. I love disney, i grew up with it as a child. But i never really liked FF all that much. Well, this is the perfect, and i mean, the perfect blend of disney character's mixed with FF character's, all gathered in one gaming world, for your viewing pleasure. The story is this, you control this young 14 year old boi named Sora. He has friends all around the island that he is on (Destiny Island) but he closely hangs around Riku (his best friend) and Kairi, the girl that he is infatuated with. He has friends that most of you FF fans out there would notice. Friends like Tidus and Wakka, and Selphie and many other's. Well, he starts off as a weakling of course (only in stats, in heart he is strong) and it's like any other typical rpg, you kill enemies, and you become stronger. Gameplay is in real time, which is a really big step when it comes to rpg's. Becuz most rpg's are turn based, but this one is real time, and does a very good job of it as well. You start off with basic moves, and then as you progress, you get more moves to use, some similar to being called Ragnarok and a lot of other's. The graphics in the game are fairly simple, but when it comes to the cinematech's, Square has once again out done theirselves when it comes to makin beautiful cut scenes and decent in game graphics. The worlds are huge, but you do seem sort of limited, for the very reason that later in the game, you get a gliding ability, which is like flyin, except you can't really fly, you're just floating, basically. But it feels restricted sometimes. Audio is excellent. With actors such as Haley Joel Osmet playing as the voice of Sora in this game, and doing a very good job. You get two companions along your journey, Donald and everybody's favorite, Goofy. They lend a lot of humor and liveliness to the game with their constant arguing and making everybody feel good. Sometimes at least. Value is great. There is really no reply value to the game, for the simple fact that after you beat the game, you can't go back to the previous screen and all that, after the credits, it kind of sits there with this really beautiful and enchanting song, that doesn't get old, (at least to me it didn't) but can become annoyin. Reviewer's Tilt, in this game, the camera angle's were off by a lot. The camera would be positioned on you at one moment, and then it will fling around and try to focus on the enemy, and it's a lot worse when you have the camera lock on and your focused on one enemy. This is an excellent game and I highly recommend it to anybody searching for a good rpg with real time battle elements, a charming young storyline with eventful moments and memorable character's.