Action RPG from Square?!, wait an action RPG with disney characters?..well it can't be THAT bad! or can it? read on!

User Rating: 2.6 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Dull and repetitive if you like hitting the same button to smash the same enemies for hours and hours on end then this game is for you! The gameplay is a huge letdown the magic and item system are simple and dull by any standards and the enemies dull-witted and easy to steam-roll leaving this game with no challenge and no gratification for us the gamers.
the Graphics themselves are great...great graphics from a Square game?! but the over all graphical style leaves you wanting a little more while all the levels look distinct and beautiful they all seem a bit dull and uninteresting plus disney just isn't that cool.
Oh no the sound >.< the voice acting is the sound effects from goofy and donald will make you want to play Metal Gear.
If your a mindless fanboy then by all means get this game and play play play! but if you need a little challenge in your fan service a little innovation and a little dare i then find something else
Personaly I love most Square games i've played all the Final Fantasies to their completion and you would think that seeing some of my favirote characters in a game would make me happy but alas seeing them in a game this dull and repetitive is nothing to be happy about. After all Cloud doesn''t belong in a ancient greek battle arena! fighting little kids! the game over all feels way too kiddy even though half of its source content should be geared to older audiences.