Simply Perfect

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Kingdom Hearts is very hard to describe but i think i can sum it up as "Perfect"

Kingdom Hearts is a great blend between Disney and Square Enix it adds the serious Final Fantasy characters with the sort of silly and goofy Disney characters in a perfect mix to make one great action adventure. I really think this game is perfect. If you learn to see past the disney characters and not sit there and whine and say "Wow, this was a waste of money these characters are too lame and childish" your going to have alot and i mean "alot!" of fun.

The characters in this game are wicked as i said before you have some serious some goofy. You'll see characters such as Sora, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan,Jack Skellington,King Triton, Alice, Cloud, Hercules,Ursula, Ariel, Riku and Kiari. Most will join you as you fight and have their own little attitude throughout the game. For instance Donald might act though but when danger comes he may cower or act even tougher and Goofy may just scratch his head and act stupid.

The storyline is simple but very interesting. Your Sora a fourteen year old boy who uses a keyblade as his weapon. You are seperated from your two friends Riku and Kiari as the day before you try to leave "Destiny Islands" a storm comes and monsters called the Heartless appear, thats when you are seperated and try desperatley to find and reunite with your friends and meet Disney characters along the way

Your main weapon is the keyblade which replaces your wooden sword that you have on Destiny Island. You can upgrade it for each level you lock and it had characteristics and look depending on where you lock. Like the Deep Jungle level one looks crude and sort of weird and the Halloween Town one is darker, sleeker and sort of emo looking.

As you level up you get more strength or hp or ap and many more upgrades, some of the bosses you may fight may require you to go out fight some heartless 'till the cows come home and then fight them. The choices you pick at the very beginning of the game reflect on how you level and fight throughtout the game.

Kingdom Hearts revolves around the levels as Sora, Goofy and Donald all search for the king and his friends. When you choose the next stage to go to you fly the Gummi Ship to the destination blowing up asteroids and other ships to reach it or once you get a certain chip installed by Cid you can warp to places you've already visited. All the levels are basically from disney fairytales and have all the main characters in each level that play a vital role to the completion of the level.

Teamwork is really a very vital part to Kingdom Hearts and some parts your going to attempt solo such as tournaments. You can equip your teammates with potion and they'll use them in the battles while yelling your name really quite stupidly but atleast you know your getting healed. Sometimes your partners will die in battle(Oh no!) but they will revive after a short period of time that consist of you running like heck away from the enemy or you can throw a potion their way and they'll start up again.

You really must try this game if you are a PS2 owner.