Suprisingly wonderous!

User Rating: 9.4 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
For some odd reason, my soul was so attracted to this game. I got the game one day after it came out. Some may think that it's odd, a game by both Disney and Sqaure Soft(two of my favorite companies), but this game is truely good. From the beggining seqeunces I was blown away, plus when I saw all the Final Fantasy characters, I wanted to wet my pants. The battle system is pretty good, though some of the noise gets on my nerves, it's still fun. The story is truely good, talking about the darkness in ones heart and all kind of things. The music, like with all of Sqaure Soft's games, is pretty good. The seqeunces really blew me away! The voice acting made me a little mad though with the Final Fantasy characters, they just grabbed every pop singer, child actor, teen idol they could find, truely sad. But the main characters(Sora, Riku, Kairi) had exelent voice acters(all pro actors). The graphics are great, even though the eyes can be creepy at times. The more you learn about the heart though, the more you get confused. I'm mad at Japn for keeping Final Mix to themselves, it explains alot about the game, including the heart. Final Mix explains ALOT. This game at times is impossible to progess with out the guide, which makes it a little frustrating. The Gummi Ship is fun to play with when traveling, so don't over do the warp drive. After you complete the game once many fun things await. Overall this game is good.