At first glance, it seems like a kid's game. But you couldn't be more wrong!

User Rating: 9.1 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
This game is actually quite mature, given the premise. The game packs quite the punch in the game play department. The voice acting is top notch and consists of actors such as Halely Joel Osment, David Gallagher, and Hayden Panettiere. The pace of the game play is fast partly because the game is set in real time and is not turn based like in other Square-Enix games. Players assume the role of Sora, a young boy who wields the "key-blade." At first, it may seem a little corny and well, it is, but it's Disney and that's what they're supposed to be, corny. But the game's narrative, graphics, and story make up for it's corny short comings. Players who love Disney characters and Square-Enix characters will enjoy the cameos from Squall (FF 8), Tidus (FF 10), Aeris (FF 7), Donald Duck, and Goofy. The game is relatively short, but that's only if you do not pursue the side missions. If you decide to complete the game in its entirety, then you stand to spend over 100 hours of game play. This is a solid game for any role playing gamer who likes a little Disney every now and then.