Kingdom Hearts... simply amazing.
User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
This 2002 release was one of the last masterpieces to be produced by Squaresoft before converting to Square Enix. You play the role of Sora, a 14 year old boy straight out of the Final Fantasy pocket. He has the winy boy side, and then the mysterious hardcore side a few moments later. Your fellow party members consist of none other than Disney's Donald Duck and Goofy. Some thought that integrating Disney characters wih their precious Final Fantasy fellows would be a disaster but in reality it turned out to be one of the best ideas in the video game world to date. Get ready to embark on a journey like no other with a giant key for a weapon and Disney characters for bad guys. Kingdom Hearts is a must play... NOW. Get up, drive to your nearest video game retail store and buy this game immediately.