OMG this game is beautiful in everyway possible

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
this game rocks not only to me but at any age people will enjoy this game the visuals are unfreakingbelievable the sound is like the ocean on a calm day no its not wavy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its relaxing and suits this game ps Awesome theme song Utada!!!!!!! this game has a great story line of a man named ansem once a young sceientist studing the hearts darkness then decided to unleash it but then comes riku the keyblade weilder but he turns to the dark side ah well now sora becomes the keybalde weilder and his mission is to find somewhere new but he gets tied up in good vs evil and eventually stops ansem and well i dont want to spoil it for you because its an awesome game with an awesome sequal so pick this one up and if you rent it you'll want to buy it and its at a cheap price so like i said before and sayin it again pick this one up