game of the year with most of the characters from final fantasy games adn disney movies.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Kingdom hearts isn't the best game that squaresoft has ever done but still it will give other RPG games a good run for their money. For anyone who hasn't played kingdom hearts before, the gameplay is fairly simple to learn to play with you playing as a boy called sora (swordsman) and being helped in your fight to save the king (mickey mouse) is donald duck (sorcerer) and Goofy (dodgy toothed lanky guy with a big sheild).
The game sees Sora's Home being destroyed by darkness and ends up being sent of with donald and goofy to save the king using a weapon know as 'The Key Blade'. throughout the game you will have to enter many worlds from the world of disney such as atlantis, wonderland and the colluseum from hercules.
After completing each world(hard to complete 100%) you use the keyblade to open up the door to the next world and unlock a new upgrade for the keyblade. After completing each world you have to fly to each new world using your ship which you have to colect parts for using the help of Cid (ff7) you create your first ship and actually have to fly to the next world yourself. around the KIngdom hearts universe you will come across characters from disney and final fantasy such as Alice (wonderland), Tarzan, Cloud (ff7) and Hades (hercules). the game will have you playing it for days trying to complete it 100% which is practically impossible unless you were one of the creators.