The Next Mario!

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Kingdom Hearts is a Disney/Final Fantasy RPG of epic proportions. The worlds are immense and contain major depth within the gameplay. It has an awesome storyline with some pretty good cinematics. There are more emotional moments in this game than I can express. To walk into the 100 Acre Woods is a feeling that can only be described as magical. A lot of the character voices can be found here but I was not totally satisfied. If not in a cinematic, you will have to read what the other characters say and lots of Disney characters don't get speaking parts when they should. Final Fantasy fans will notice some characters from VII-X in the game. One ultimate baddie can even be found within Hercule's Olympic colloseum. There are tons of side quests and missions to keep you busy for up to 100 hours depending on your skill. Combat is real-time and highly addictive. The Disney worlds are not as big or as free-roaming as you might like but there is some really great gameplay along with a lot of variety and things to do. This is a PS2 must have title that may only be matched by its own sequel. 5/5