Here is a great RPG that everyone should play and just ignore the Disney label and stop thinking this is a kiddie game.
User Rating: 8.4 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Well here is another instant classic from Square. In Kingdom Hearts you play as Sora, a boy from a place called Destiny Islands. Now the trouble starts when Sora and his friends Riku and Kiri are getting ready to leave the islands and go find other worlds. Now the day before the day they are supposed to leave the islands are attacked by heartless some enemys that you will find out more as you get father in the game. So you do some stuff on the island and you all of asuden wake-up in Twilight Town basically the hub for the game. This is where you meet your partners Goofy and Donald Duck. So after you do some other stuff you set of on your quest and you need to save all the other worlds. So here is the story now to get to the review. Now the gameplay in Kingdom Hearts is pretty good but there is one major flaw but I will get to that later. The action-RPG works really well in the this game because even though the worlds are all kind of sort there is no lack of enemys and bosses to fight. The controls work really well and are simple to learn. It is really easy to cast a magic spell and it is also easy to use any ot your healing items. Now there is on MAJOR PROBLEM!! This problem is the camera. It is just atroshis. You will so sick of it that you will eventually just change it to manuel camera witch you control with your R buttons. Now the camera works really well with the manuel controls so you will be feeling" I should really forgive this game." Now the graphics and the sound in the game is really good in the game. They are really top-notch for a early PS2 tital. The designers gave each character their own unique look and the all the enemy tipes look really good. The sound is really good also. Each level has music you will recognize from the things the levels are based on. The graphics and the music are really good and you will be amazed. Over all, Kingdom Hearts is a really good game that you will want to play and is a game you should want to play. This game offers a deep RPG system will offering a fun combat and a great story that you will love.