Do you square enix take disney to be your lawfully wedded part-time wife?
User Rating: 8 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
So you know at first i was skeptical I mean you honestly want me to take goofy, Donald duck and some prepubescent little boy seriously? In a game where Disney villains and final fantasy like villains come together trying to kill me huh...this is a joke right.........right? Nope chuck tes- oh wait wrong thing. Anyhoo i found that this game was the real deal a bit kiddy but fun nonetheless It quickly grew on me and i found myself thinking about it on many occasions after i finished it. I think this game is one of the PlayStation 2 classics that can/will be timeless. The unique marriage of Disney and square enix was a bit ridiculous or so i first thought but they both proved me wrong and put together a game that was none too bad. It's easy but not too easy, it has a great story and superb soundtrack, and the voice acting isn't god awful(mostly) all in all id give them a nice firm pat on the back. Good job guys