Great story, fun gameplay, yet has some problems.

User Rating: 8.6 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
Kingdom Hearts is the game where everyone looks on the front and says "A Disney game by Square? WTF?" and then flip it over, see Cloud Strife, and say "Disney plus Final Fantasy? Oh my god, how weird." Yet, this is what drew players in the first place. Combining classic Disney movies with classic game characters sounds like a recipe for disastor. Well, it's far from it. Kingdom Hearts is a solid, fun approach at something no one else has done before.

The voice acting is great. Haley Joel Osmond is the perfect voice for Sora. Other Disney characters reprise their voice roles well too. While not all voice actors are original, they all do a great job in capturing the Disney essence.

The gameplay is great. It's easy to understand, fun to execute, yet can be annoynig when your lock-on enemy keeps moving around. The camera angles are one major flaw in this game. Using L2 and R2 may sound easy, but the camera constantly shifts and tilts worse than the Sonic Adventure series.

The storyline is good. While some levels seem to just be additional add-ons, others pull off great story tie-ins. This creates a great mood to the overall experience of the game.

The score captures every level's essence. From the tropical tunes of The Little Mermaid to the dramatic events that take place during the storyline, the score is excellent.

Overall, the game has its flaws, but its strengths surpass it in many ways.