Satisfying RPG, with action elements, enjoyable
Here are my opinions what makes the game good.
1) Save anytime, this is a mandatory feature for a portable game, during a break at work or a drive, any portable game should be able to be suspended, and SAVED. I think all PSP games should have this as a manditory feature.
2) This game is alot of fun, the combat does feel like an RPG, however there is an definate action element to the game. The game manages to pull it off really well. It feels like an action game, that makes it fun but it has the accessability of a RPG. The professional review in GS hit's on the head is it's just cool watching the sword fighting. I love the combat, it and this is probably the best feature of the whole game.
3) Graphics are decent, I wished the characters were a little larger, however when you fight some large enemys it does pull off the effect of dwarfing the character. There is no camera control which is good, for the most part, however a zoom would have been nice.
4) The story is chesse but the characters do draw you in after some time playing. I don't expect a super story or the best presentation of it, remeber this is the first time they could pack that much content in a portable package.
5) PSP Fanboy, the PSP just has the best screen, and far more expansive media. This game is compeling fun, and it's portable. However this is the first game that really causes me to become a fanboy for the PSP. If you find yourself needing quick RPG fixes, or movies, anywhere you go, just turn to the PSP. I think it is true sony has done to video games, and movies as what the sony walkman did to tapes, and music.
7) Sound is acceptable, some parts repeditive, but no more than a modern RPG.
Here are the down points
1) Chi-Arts, are to strong, you don't have to use it, and your rewarded with some excellent sword figting.
2) Small Character. No getting around this unless you use a magnifying glass.
3) Story is chessey, could be better, alot of asian words, like bugei, and stuff, they don't have any meaning to me as a non asian male.
4) Network COOP would make the game even better.
I'm 6.5 hours into the game, so I have had some time with it, and I'm really enjoying it, if you like RPGs, and you have a PSP then pick it up. If you don't have a PSP, it's not good enough alone to justify the purchase of a PSP.