Not your everyday RPG, but who said that was a bad thing?

User Rating: 8.9 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Kingdom of Paradise is set in a ancient, mythical China. Shinbu, the main character, sets out on a journey around the land of Ouka to stop the Kirin's wrongdoing. The first thing that surprised me was voice acting. And not only did it have voice acting, but it was actually good voice acting. Kingdom's graphics ain't amazing, but there still up to date. Another aspect of this game that really stands out is the bugei (pronounced boogy, lol) scroll system. It actually allows you to create your own fighting moves. To do this, you must collect what are called kenpu (pronounced kenpoo, lol). You'll find kenpu from enimies you've defeated, chests, or just some people that don't want them anymore. The bugei scroll system makes Kingdom much more addictive. As my final verdict, I say buy it! And if you're not really into RPGs, at least rent it, 'cause this is one hell of a game!