This is a great game to play online with your friends. If you try to make it more than that you may be disappointed.

User Rating: 8 | Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom X360
Playing solo it got a little boring and repetitive, but if you throw some fun people into the mix over xbox live you've got a great game here. Hacking and slashing for 5 or 6 hours suddenly becomes fun. Finding and synthesizing loot, unlocking the games crazy achievements, and completing quests really starts to grow on you. I don't know if I'll ever seriously play the game solo, but there's plenty of people you can join up with to play.

There's a few other flaws in the game I should mention. Some people are more sensitive to tearing in games, but this game does have some horizontal tearing issues. The game does have some bugs that weren't worked out. Once a boss got stuck on the ceiling and we couldn't beat it and another time I bought an expansion slot for my character, the game took the gold but I didn't get the slot.