this game has to be the worst game in the history.
one plus is , you can chose different characters at the begining.
but thats it.
at fist ,i thought. wow , its like oblivion. it beautiful . but NO.. you cant move around as you like. your stuck in a path all the time.
ok, i move forward, forward, forward, i se 10-20 monsters.. i slash them.
i get som items from them. wow. i se a new sword. but . it looks the same to me,, no fun at all.. but, it has +5 instead of +4 .. hurray!
BUT! . the better weapon you get , the more magic points will drain from your meter.. and you cant slash as often with low meter..
thats why your leveling up you character, to raise you magic or health meters.. but how fun is that??
i choosed the vampire guy , when i got new armor, it looked the same. just better protection..
rings , necles are so boring.. you can just put one at the time on you finger.. neck.. you cant use one necles and one ring at the same time.
thats just stupid.. and you can just use one ring, not 10..
or maby , the guy you are have just one finger to put it on =)
but, how can he use 2 swords at the same time with one finger..
i mean, those who made this game, arent gamers at all...
i give this game 2/10 but its not worth 2.. just 2 for the graphics, it looks good, very good..