Like the reviewer said, it keeps the same philosophy of Crusaders, just adds to the mutliplayer with more players.
User Rating: 8.2 | Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes XBOX
As far as gameplay is concerned Heroes brings very litttle new to the table that Crusaders did, expcet for the fact that they got some more heroes, who are pretty insane, like Urukbarr, who is actually kind of cheap. He is a giant, he runs in there and tears up the battlefield. Same big cool monsters, and the developers claim that they mad ethe amount of people on the field even bigger, but u hardly recogniez it. Dont get me wrong, it looks like a lot of people, it just soes not seem like that much more then Crusaders, then again, how much more could u fit then crusaerds? Graphically the game looks the same as well, which is also fine.
Like Crusaders, it still gives u a satisfying feeling when u win. If u liked crusaders, you basically owe it to yourslef to get the game, complete.