One of the Best damn RTS games ever.
User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders XBOX
This is one my most played games. This game is so damn fun it gives me the willies seriously. This game is what ive waited for ever since i got into playing video games a war game with hundreds of things fighting at once in an all out war. What makes this great is the fact that it mixes strategy with hack n' slash goodness and nails it. This game only falls short in the fact that the lips on the people dont move but i can live with that ive seen worse.
(Operation Flashpoint). While repetitive if you cant get past the easy and normal campaigns, THe hard campaigns get extremly challenging especially regniers. I havent gotten past the first mission. Also the fact that there is so many unit classes and skills is amazing.
Overall this is one of my favorite games. I must say