"Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning" it is adapting in universe full of magic.
"Kingdoms of Amalur" it is a RPG of medieval fantasy with all the gender clichés: Forgetful hero, monsters, dungeons, horsemen, sorcerers and everything more. But it does good use of these clichés, thanks to the talent of your screenwriter and the artist perfection Todd MacFarlane.
To complete the package, "Reckoning" presents a combat system worthy of action games and that facilitates the access from whom always was middle contrary to RPGs.
Adventures diversity
In "Reckoning", you are a nameless hero neither memory, the typical 'chosen' to save the world. You awake of the death soon at the beginning of the game, in an experience accomplished by gnomes in the Destiny Wheel. That experiment gave you a gift only, that differentiates it from all the inhabitants of Amalur: You are able to choose your destiny.
The practice, that means that you can choose between the three classes of the game - warrior, magician or thief - whenever it goes up of level, learn know-hows and magics of all of them and to change between these abilities at any time.
In the screenwriter hands R.A. Salvatore, however, this woof cliché that seemed to be there only to justify the mechanical of game, it transforms in an epic of fantasy, with perverse villains threatening the whole world, a heroic journey and a missions parallels infinity, all interesting and involute.
As it belongs to if it wait fors in a good RPG, each character found by the way seems to have a history to count and a series of missions for you accomplish. Reckoning's Merit" is to make each small mission be different from previous and so involute regarding main campaign.
Be fighting against ogres of two cabeças,ajudando a captured wolf in human form to the come back to your body or staging elfos tales so that they become true, you never stay bored in "Kingdons of Amalur".
Good mechanical of game
Led by one of the creators of "The Elder Scrolls", the development team of "Reckoning" perfects in mecâncias of his first game.
The combat acts like in an action game and you can launch magics and to change of guns in the middle of the fight with a graciosidade that would let Kratos, of "God of War", proud.
The attacks, blockades and dodges are done with simple controls and same combos are one more matter of 'timing' than complex sequences of buttons. Reckoning's System" seems a version refined of "Fable".
The combat also involves some special actions that pay extra experience and allow to execute several enemies all at once. Called Fateshift, that can lasts for a time's small interval and only can be activated when a special bar is inundation - exactly as in "God of War".
Other important aspect is the customization: Since the first minute, you decides the appearance and your hero's equipament. As well as in "Diablo" and "World of Warcraft", the guns and equiped armors are represented in the character.
You find new equipament the whole time and can inclusive to create and to enchant her armor own pieces, guns and potions.
Finally, the Destiny Letters allow to attribute bonus and specializations as you progress in the game. New letters are available to after applying points in abilities and magics, turning the character best inside his style of play favorite.
It is a rigider system than the one of "Skyrim", for example, but it works well and liberate some letters of high level soon becomes a goal for the most dedicated players and enthusiasts of RPGs.
A new world to explore
"Kingdons of Amalur" it offers an enormous world to if explore. After going out of the initial dungeon, you find towns, castles, fortalezas, caves, gloomy forests and all luck of typical scenery of fantasy.
Each mission carries you a little farther, always in search of an unexplored point in the map. Gives to pass a good time strolling and fighting against bandits and wild creatures in the forests of "Amalur".
What turns that fantastic world is the mythology and Salvatore's History, who wrote pages and more pages to describe and to give life to each villa, castle, ruin and camp.
This history is counted of several forms, be in the dialogs with other characters or by the fun eloquent stones, one of the many dispersed collectable by the game.
"Reckoning" it owns so much information behind the adventure that is clear the wish of the 38 Studios in establish that world as scenery of other games, even a possible MMO.
Beautiful Visual
The producers describe the artistic style of "Kingdoms of Amalur" as 'a gloomy fairy tale'. The game is more colored and illuminated than this description does seem, but is not less involute because of this.
Their scenaries are beautiful and varied, rich in details, be in the forests, in the cities streets or inside her dungeons and inns.
"Amalur" gets, for incredible that seems, if differentiate of "Fable", "World of Warcraft" and "The Elder Scrolls" and to establish an own visual identity. Merit of the artistic direction of Todd MacFarlane, creator of "Spawn".
Their heroes are charismatic, be them armor horsemen or masked murderers. Montros are very varied and always full of details. Their guns, exaggerated and with fluid actions, as in an action good game.
Variety of enemies A point in which "Amalur" overcomes all of his competitive is in the variety of enemies. Each roadside bandits group has an own visual identity and the creatures seem gone out from the Monsters Book pages of "Dungeons & Dragons" - influence of Salvatore, who writes romances adapted in RPG's table scenery? The enemies details wealth guarantees that the combat does not become repetitive or monotonous. Not only the creatures are different each other, but they own abilities that should be carried in tells in the fight hour. You need to fight from far with some, use some magics in another, avoid to be I catch in a spider web, open the soldiers guard before attacking and so on. Many times, the opponents arise in mixed groups, that demand speed in the commands and fast reasoning to elaborate a good strategy. Observe their action standards always is useful to try a stealthy attack - and, when accomplished with success, that attacks reward the player with immediate death of the target and a beautiful and bloody animation.
Negative points Minigames do not work right The systems of break intoing locks and to disenchant magic traps are inheritance of "Elder Scrolls", but too simplified. Success in open locks seems aleatory and does not depend so much of the player ability. Already minigame of disenchanting traps depends on the rhythm, but the controls do not answer right or in the right speed.
Bad camera
The epic landscapes of "Kingdoms of Amalur" deserved a work of better camera. During the combats body for body, happens of the camera if you lose, catch a bad angle or to stay behind an enemy or bush. One touches fast of button - or a dodge for far - solves the problem, but it is an uncomfortable situation.
Commoner is the choice of a bad angle for one talks to other character. Like the game bolt the image during the talk, generally in the characters' faces, you need to wait the crop finish to if move again. Even there, all right. The problem happens when the camera goes back of an object, or worse yet, into of him and the image if breakage and all Amalur's Magic" is lost. Accompany one talks to the risks screen inundation and burst objects is not easy task, for better than is the history.