I was quite happy with this until I went further into the development of the classes. the rogue class, seems alright at first, suddenly scatter shot happened (landing 7 charged shot into same enemy at point blank distance will kill just about anything with 1-2 shot not to mention the crits/bleeding effects/the passive for bonus damage on bleeding enemies, the poison sustain...), changing the game from having some challenge to zero challenge (even on hard mode). I feel the same with mage aoe spells too. Though I haven't tried the warrior class yet, but hopefully it won't suddenly become super easy.
Aside from that, there is quite a lot of things you can do, often find yourself going off on a side quest, and enjoy different possibilities within a quest. Like make a deal with an enemy, and kill off the village instead for completing the quest. puts nice spins on the quests. having persuasion sometimes open up different chat dialog and could get extra items.
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