If you like Skyrim or Fable then you'll like Reckoning!
Well if you played skyrim or fable it's almost the same type of game, but with more fast pacing action. It's like it's on ADD when it comes to battling. There is no first person view, but rather third person view. It's actually better than skyrim's third person sluggish battle view. That's just me I'd rather play first person since it's actually more controllable. The reason I compare this to sky/fab is due to many of the similarities they both posses. It's nostalgia all over again, but that is actually good. One of the team members on the development team is from Bethesda Works so you know it's good.
Great graphics probably could run on many systems, since it doesn't look like it demands to much. It's more of a fable 2 feel. Customizable character you can have just about any type to wizard to warrior and new type I have not seen Chakras. Picking locks is exactly like skyrim there is a new dispel for chests which seems quite confusing at first, but you'll get it after 2 or 3. Open world which you can go anywhere. You will run into many different npc's and mines. You can explore and find stuff like you would in skyrim.
The game punishes players well on hard. I find myself being pushed back by enemies and I do like a challenge. Sometime later on in the game you will probably overpower every enemy due to crafting/what not. That's normal, but there is no rush to do this all at once. Enjoy the game. There is over 60+ hours to be played with all the sidequests.
Cons:(no spoilers)
1.The interface could be better to get rid of junk. YOU have to manually destroy items once your full and it feels like a chore.
2.Characters in the game are interesting, but the dialogue choices seem poor. AS if you cannot get enough knowing about lets say "Arthros".
3. I feel as if I seen this already in many games. Run and kill do quest, but with more feel to it. The game feels like a rushed version of sky/fab
4. The LOD is terrible. Like in skyrim you can change that, but not with this game. Everything just loads right in front of you.
5. Chakrams are OVERPOWERED. You will realize this once you start using them.
Pros:Everything else you will love about this game I promise! You will want to buy this game.