Good Game but not the best RPG I've played
The graphics aren't that amazing but the artistic touch looks pretty good to me, they may remind you of WOW but to be honest that is an exageration .......Not much to say about graphics it isn't a plus or minus , they are just ok, butttttt sometimes you will see some amazing places ....
Gameplay (customisation, quests, combat and bugs).....
.......First of I want to tell you , especialy to the ones that played the demo, this game has almost no bugs, very good optimization and no quest bugs (until now).
.......You have a lot of quests but here is one of the problems some quests are dull and the secondary quest never add a conection between you and the other character (it is like this: you see a character wich can give you a quest , you listen to him , take the quest and finish it then come back to be rewarded but it has no consequence, no "life" to it. You do the minor quest in part for the loot and leveling up nothing more nothing less because it never will make you care for something else than seeing what big m***f**** will you find or if you will find something great.There are many secondary quests but I guarantee that most of the quests will be done by the player for the loot and leveling up .
........Customisation is present and you have a lot to do here, from changing the armor and other things that all the rpg have to combinations of classes (fates) and combinations of powers and combos with different weapons...much to do here, a lot of flexibility ...NOTE in this game you are the fateless one so you can choose any fate/class or combination between 3 big classes that use magic(sorcery)/finesse/might...combining the 3 abilities (adding points) will creat a hybrid that can use magic might and finesse , you can combine 2 abilities creating another kind of hybrid or just use your points to be the ultimate mage or tank or assassin/rogue......You can also change your class whenever you want by visiting a fateweaver and reseting your stats without loosing your abilitie points which you can use again creating something else (it will cost you)....
.......Combat is great , it isn't hard to get used to. At one point I thought this will be easy but it isn't that easy if you play on hard, normal for an old rpg player is easy.....On the other hand a big game beeing to hard will kill it because no one (well except for the ones that have to much time on their hands) wouldn't like to die every 20 minutes in a huge open world rpg..... Back to combat, you have 2 weapon slots and the weapons are divided in classes , you can use any weapon but if your character is based on might it is better to use greatswords and swords because after upgrading him he will get new combos and additional damage + the damage that the weapon has, if you are a hybrid is better to use the weapons that you upgraded more by adding points after leveling up.....You can upgrade your weapons by adding on socketed weapons gems , this is valid for every type of equipment that you use ....You can create your own equipment and name it and you can create potions.
.........Sound and Music......I for one never had any issues with the game from this point of view . I never lost interest in it because of it but when those creepy spiders apear from the ground it really creaps me out and makes me jumpy.......
TO SUM IT UP : Great game with many good things in it and YOU SHOULD TRY IT.....If you like RPG game this is a great addition as a new IP to the RPG genre