A perfect rendition of a turn-based fantasy...
Graphics 9/10
Despite the fact that graphics are not top notch or technically too proficient, in fact they are the same as in the previous game which is from 2008, in my opinion they are well done and look artistically very good. They really represent how a fantasy world should look like. The elven forest are lush, the pirate lagoons are in a very nice shade of blue, the snow regions, the swamps, even the individual monsters, everything looks how it should be in, in a fantasy setting.
Sound 9/10
Music is great, it really immerses oneself into the setting through which you are travelling. I especially loved the track which plays in the elven forest, it really creates an atmosphere that I associate with elves from other common fantasy games or films. The sounds effect are nice too, though nothing spectacular.
Story 5/10
Story is the weak link in King's bounty AP. Of course the game is not based around it, the game is based around the fun fights, but still. The premise of the story is to travel to another world, so the game doesn't take in place in the same land as the original. Unfortunately the introduction sequence and the ending sequence are the only two places which move the story forward. Other than that the whole game is based around gathering 8 stones so that the princess can return back to her world.
Gameplay 10/10
I would say the gameplay is Heroes of might and magic upgraded. While Heroes is a great game, the fact that your movement on the map is turn-based really slows down the game, while on the other hand makes it fit for multiplayer. King's bounty AP on the other hand is purely singleplayer so the map-based movement is done in realtime which makes that part of the gameplay far better. Another great thing is the leveling system of the hero. You'll be awarded three types of runes, whose amount is based upon your chosen profession, which you can spend to learn new skills or increase the ones you already have. The skills are all very different and each unlocks a potentially different array of tactics you can use in combat.
The second part of the gameplay are fights themselves, where you move your units around in an arena which consist of hexagonal tiles. These fights are the place where you'll be spending most of your time, and let me tell you, the fights are simply awesome. The units you and the AI control have a wide range of special abilities, using some of them will end the units turn, while using others will not. Moreover you can move, attack or use special abilities the same turn. For example you can move your unit, who has let's say 4 movement points, 2 tiles, then cast an ability which doesn't end your turn, then move the unit one more tile and then attack a neighboring enemy. This flexibility, of being able to perform more than one type of action per one turn, adds real depth to the fights and to the gameplay itself. The difficulty of the fights might ramp up too quickly for some, while seasoned players will enjoy the challenge especially at higher difficulties.
Besides your units and spells your hero can cast, the battle system contains one more noteworthy addition. A pet dragon which fights at your side. While the dragon itself does not directly partake in the battle, it can cast a few different unique spells onto the battlefield. This consumes not your mana, but your rage which is gained when your units exchange blows with the enemy. So the dragon abilities and they're growth are not limited to a mage character, but can be developed equally good or even better by a fighter.
Replayability 8/10
With three different classes and different random upgrades for your pet dragons spells, this game is quite replayable, especially when playing on hard or impossible difficulty the second time around.
In conclusion I enjoyed the game very much. Basically it is the same as the first part, King's bounty: The legend, but has even more of the good. More different monsters, more abilities, more customization and so on. I recommend the game to all fans of the HOMM or the Disciples franchises as well as to all which enjoy a gameplay where you must think before you act, or generally to all people who enjoy a nice fantasy setting.