There should be more games like this one out there!
This game pretty much sums up most of what a good game is supposed to be: enjoyable, fun, addictive, immersive and well polished - that is, the exact contrast of most of the shoot-em-up filth spamming nowadays game market.
We need more companies to realize that quality turn-based gaming is a profitable market, nowadays more than ever because we seldom if ever get any games like this one and we're thirsty for them, not for more lookalike FPS clones.
If we were living in a world of plenty of quality and intelligent RPGs and tactical turn-based games, I would have rated this game about 8/10. But since things must be evaluated under perspective and we're living in a world of FPS ripoffs which ignorant people are calling "RPGs" and that is the comparison point, I must rate King's Bounty: The Legend as a pure 10/10.