Once upon a time, in faraway country ...

User Rating: 8 | King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow PC
The first time I watched the animations of this game back in the 90s I was amazed. I was at university and I had been a Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking glass fan since my 14th birthday.
I loved graphic adventures (And still do even if it is supposed to be an obsolete category of gaming) Monkey island saga was my favourite. Then Sam and Max and Day of the tentacle came along. And suddenly a new game was ready to be played at university (I still remember almost 40 people in different rooms playing the same adventure, sniff..., no walkthroughs)
King Quest VI.
It was not a Lucas Art adventure (Who the hell are Sierra, we were wondering) and there were slight differences between those companies way of understanding an adventure. In King Quest you could die, and what it was worse, you could use several objects in an incorrect way, ..., it was a disastrous game for most of the gamers in the residence. However there were a few who still though it was worth giving it a try. And we found out some of those terrific moments that make you feel you have witnessed something that makes you feel like a million dollar.
There was a mirror, a magic mirror, which showed a person as it really is. Experiment: Take this mirror to the land of the dead, show it to a Dead Lord and see what happens. Terrific moment.
Unfortunately we are talking about little games which showed the real potential of PC storytellling. The children of this generation have Final Fantasies, worlds where almost anything is posible and where your dreams can be true. This was about the same with limited actions.
How will us be able to show them that everything had a begining and there is a past we should never forget about.
Long live graphic adventures! Long live the King!