The King's Quest series is well worth your time. These games actually require thought! Continue the adventure with KQ6.
We find Prince Alexander sitting in the throne room in the introduction, longing for Cassima, the beautiful maiden and now-ex-slave to Mordack that he met in King’s Quest 5. Suddenly, Daventry’s Magic Mirror shows Cassima to him, a pained look on her face. He immediately sets out by ship to her home, the Land of the Green Isles, only to meet a storm and become shipwrecked. He wakes up on a shore, only to find his crew gone, his boat destroyed, and almost all his possessions missing. With almost nothing to lead his way, he begins his journey to discover why Cassima is so heartbroken and what he can do to help.
The King’s Quest series has a tradition of being innovative, and this game continued that by featuring 2 separate main endings, referred to as the short path and the long path. Furthermore, depending on what side quests you choose to complete (or happen to miss out on), there are over 30 smaller variations of those endings! The mouse interface works the same way as the one in KQ5, and again there are voice or text options.
A series of puzzles you will encounter seem difficult, but you will not be able to receive help for them – they are copy-protection built into the game. Your game manual has all the answers and they’re not hard to find. As always, save early and save often!
King’s Quest 6 is the last of the “traditional” King’s Quest games by most accounts – although game 7 and Mask of Eternity exist, they are somewhat controversial, for reasons that will be discussed in their own reviews. Enjoy this “last of the series” and its beauty… you won’t soon forget it.