Kingway is an RPG style game with the look of a 90s style OS. Enemies come in pop ups and you have to manage your windows well.
I really liked the RPG gameplay, dungeons, and loot. It is fun learning the game and the option to do the daily leaderboard run.
Personally, I do not like the shadow event that is similar to FTL, but I have also not leveled up high enough to see if it becomes easier to play while within the shadow. The rogue play style is okay, just wished there was a way to save or use the same character. The stat point distribution appears to be very limited in terms of what is useful to your character’s class. It also takes playing quite a few games to get used to it and to figure out which stats are the better choice for you class or playstyle.
I would get this game as it is one of the best indie games for its price.