See here's the thing.. the Game spot reviewer had mental issues 0_o while we can't blame him for that, he should not be reviewing video games.
The game is fairly simple. It takes the basic Kirby games and makes a new style. I'd say it sets it into a larger, possibly more mature (yes I said mature) theme, using 3D and adding new abilities, that are now achieved through mixing (pure genius!).
A major mistake the Game Spot reviewer made was that he probably only rented it for 3 days. If he were to actually bother doing his job, he would see that there is a lot of depth in the game. There is major replay value for the little things you miss while playing, for the new secrets you find the next time you pick the game up, and even just for how cute and fun it is.
Crystal Shards did an excellent job of introducing Kirby to the new world of 3D games. It's something you can relate to if you loved the original Kirby games, but that seems more relevant to the new players who can only look at an old pixelated game for a few minutes.
I know that there will always be a place for this game in my collection, and that I will never get tired of it (I never have). Too bad for anyone who thinks any game with lots of colour and without guns is for kids, they are missing out!