A very innovative game that doesn't get enough credit

User Rating: 7.8 | Kirby Air Ride GC
Kirby Air Ride is quite a good game but just about everywhere I look most people just pass it off as mediocre or okay. The game is very original as in the fact that it is a fresh experience from most usual games. It has a lot of unique aspects like the chaotic Top Ride mode and the very fun and varied City Trial mode. Another thing I like about the game is the variety of stars usually in most racing games all you have is a bunch of fancy cars which just differ in the basics like Speed and Acceleration. In Kirby Air Ride you are given a pretty nice selection of stars to use each with their own traits ranging from flying ability to how well they can draft other stars. Now I will explain my ratings in detail.

Gameplay-7: Kirby Air Ride's gameplay could have easily been better with all the open endedness it has but it still satisfies me. The controls of the game are solid and not to hard which makes the racing smooth.

Graphics-6: The graphics in the game aren't great but they are still pretty good. The cartoony graphics look crisp and unique but they definitely aren't the most detailed. Despite that it is still overall pleasing to look at.

Sound:-7: It's got a lot of the classic Kirby tunes which are always pleasing to listen to in any version. I'm displeased by the fact that there is no voice acting but still the great music more then makes up for it.

Value-9: The game lasts you a long time if you have friends to play it with you. Since I happen too have such friends the game has lasted me a very long time, actually I still play it every now and then when they come over.

Reviewer's Tilt-9: The reason my rating in this area is so high is because I am a big fan of the Kirby series and I respect this game's originality which makes playing it a unique experience.

Well that's it for my final statement I would just like to say that this is a fun game which doesn't get enough credit also you should only buy this game if you have friends who will play it with you.