Don't think too lowly of this fun and at times action filled racer for the gamecube
Gameplay: Kirby Air Ride isn't a game to dislike. Gameplay is at times dull and boring, yet I find it enjoyable. First off, this game offers three types of racing, all of which are highly addictive. City Trial, is by far the greatest one to play. Not only do you race in randomly chosen mini events, you wander the city seeking power ups and vehicles to race in for the event before time is up. I found city trial the most engaging, and it definitely contains great replayable value. No one has played this once and never tried it again: how can you not enjoy this mode in the least? Regular racing is also pretty great. Fans expecting over the top speed, as demonstrated in F-Zero GX, may be a tad disappointed. This isn't a fast game, but it does great as a game similair to Mario Kart. It's slow moving at times, but brief battle scenes between players using power ups and items is a simply remarkable experience. You can also spin to attack if you have no power ups to activate. Fans seeking numerous power ups may also be disappointed. There are about 15 of them, which is what to expect from an average Kirby platformer. Although there may not be many, Nintendo did a fantastic job with selection. Indeed, the choices of power ups is impressive, so fans will cheer in that area. The last form of racing, known as the infamous Top Ride is the least popular, still it is worth testing out. You use the simplest of vehicles in an attempt to finish first in a small 15 lap course. The items are unique, yet I found this mode dull for the most part. Vehicles, however, are awesome. Many are introduced, such as the Wingstar, ShadowStar, and the famous Warpstar. You can fly in the air to try to get past your opponents...... and I think the flying idea put forth in the game is remarkable, as it is a great experience to take lead in air. Aside from simply just beating opponents, Kirby Air Ride features missions to complete. There are at least 50 in each mode to compete, and some prove tobe harder than others. These are great to complete and unlock special things at times: such as Meta Knight (a playable character), new vehicles, and different color Kirbys. Overall gameplay is wonderful, with tight controls and a moderately accurate camera. -8/10
Graphics: Kirby Air Ride is the first to demonstrate 3-D graphics in the Kirby world. You may find the change weird, but I think it's pretty well performed. The graphics are bright and cheery, however there is a lack. You will notice blurry sights from far away, and also simple designed things, whether it be trees or rocks. Overall, the graphics are moderate, yet are cheery and bright, which is how most gamers like them.
Sound: This game has it's sounds to hear, as all Kirby games do. There is an alright selection of music played through different places. One thing is certain: There is a variety. I like the music, yet soon it gets old and annoying. Sound effect given off by Kirby and crashes are accurate and not bad. Trust me, it's better to hear Kirby speak no words than to actually talk. No one wants to hear his high helium uttered words. 8/10
Value: Truthfully, the value of the game varies. It is worth it now, being cheap. But from the launch and its huge 50 dollar demand, players will be put down. However, the price has definitely dropped, so if you are looking for this game today, definitely consider it. But if you bought it for 50 dollars when it was first launched, you may have been slightly ripped off.
Reviewer's Tilt: I don't know what this means but I gave it a 6/10.......
-Overall fans may or may not be turned on when this game is booted up. I found it to be a pleasant racer with its addicting gameplay, bright graphics, and alright soundtrack. Many people disliked this game, while others thought exactly opposite. I liked this game for the while I played it, but now I just can't seem to like it. It gets old, but for the long while you will enjoy this game. Kirby Air Ride Final Score: 7/10
That's it peace out fellow gamers....