The newest addition to the Kirby franchise is a little different then the more standard Kirby plat-formers, Not longer do you run through the levels eating your enemy to gain new powers, You now move along a rainbow line you draw on the game-pad to help Kirby move around the map. This may sound like a creative idea on paper but the transfer to game makes it extremely frustrating and difficult to get Kirby to go where you want to go. There is a Co-op element to the game as well that let's a friend play as waddle dee and run along the course and fight enemy's with his spear and that maybe more fun then playing as Kirby himself. Sadly most the time you have your eyes glued to the gamepad and are unable to look up at your TV because you would have no idea where you are drawing, This makes longer gaming sessions extremely hard on the eyes. The Artstyle in Rainbow curse is amazing, the game looks like it's all claymation and is one of the nicer looking Kirby games I've seen since Epic Yarn. Sadly the amazing Art Style doesn't save the game from being very Clunky and frustrating. Fans of Kirby games should stick to Triple Deluxe (3DS) or Epic Yarn (Wii).
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