A lot of fun, but the the gameplay could be a bit better.

User Rating: 8.5 | Touch! Kirby DS
This game is very good, I beat it in 5 hours and 10 minutes of straight gaming, and then i realised that at the top of the screen it said something ike "4% complete". There is quite a bit of stuff to do, and it is pretty fun. You couldnt find anything else like it on any other console but a huge problem I had with it was the difficulty. It starts out easy, and then eventually the gameplay just starts to screw you around. At some parts it really doesnt matter how much skill you have, because some parts are almost impossible to get by. I remember getting quite frustrated at times because I knew that there was no way I could have avoided dying. Sometimes it is just timing.

You need to be very very skilled, and very very fast with the stylus in order to beat this game. It is very difficult at times in my opinion.

I think it is a great change and it is something new, I really enjoyed this game, and I am sure that you will too.