THis is just about the sickest kirby game up to date. First of, instead of being a pink ball with feet, your just a pink ball. Also, you move by making lines with your "paintbrush" or stylus. So this starts out with a witch pouttin a curse on you. big whoop! soon enough (like 2 hours) your back kicken her butt. but then you unlock a new character and feel the need to keep playong. I beat this game 2 with every vcharacter and LOVED IT! THere are a total of four different characters, two who have abilities that differ from kirby's. ************************************************************************ P.S. SEQUELL PLEAS!!!! I beg you reallyt i do i am on the ground typing this right now ***********************************************************************
The Good: Beautiful game design, innovative, nice amount of content, beautifully drawn worlds, has plenty of the same Kirby flare. The Bad: Some levels are too short, boss levels can get repetitive. Introduction: Kirb... Read Full Review
With so many poor titles for the DS at the time of this games release, which either touch on the novelty aspect of the system or are just plain uninspired it would be understandable to put this game in the same cateogory... Read Full Review