Uncharted 3 gets a dozen Interactive Achievement Award nods
Naughty Dog leads the pack with 12 nominations for AIAS-organized honors, joins Portal 2, Skyrim, Batman: Arkham City, and Zelda: Skyward Sword as Game of the Year candidates.
Naughty Dog leads the pack with 12 nominations for AIAS-organized honors, joins Portal 2, Skyrim, Batman: Arkham City, and Zelda: Skyward Sword as Game of the Year candidates.
After countless trade shows and an extensive beta test, it's finally time for EA to release Battlefield 3.
RPG collection for Wii takes down Namco Bandai's title; 3DS now at top of hardware sales.
Namco Bandai's flagship RPG reaches top spot, followed by Resident Evil revivals and Resistance 3; PS3 climbs to top of hardware sales chart.
Epic Games' trilogy capper joined by Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2, Kirby Mass Attack at retail; Black Ops: Rezurrection comes to PS3, PC.
We have Gears, cars, zombies, and map packs for Call of Duty: Black Ops in This Week in New Releases for Sept 18 - Sept 25.
Nintendo's supersized handheld picking up new hue in time for Kirby Mass Attack debut, maintaining $170 price.
PS3 action-RPG topped a quarter million sold in first week as new releases topped the charts; 3DS again led hardware sales by a wide margin.
Oddball rhythm game climbs back to top spot, dethroning Monster Hunter and Pokemon spin-offs; 3DS still in hardware pole position.
Sega soccer title and Kirby game bumped down by latest Capcom and Nintendo titles; 3DS sales shoot back up due to price cut.
Kirby's latest handheld adventure second to Sega's new soccer game in latest Japanese sales chart; 3DS slips to fifth place in hardware race.
Ten Kirbies are better than one.
Check out a teaser trailer for Kirby Mass Attack.
Pink puffball's latest adventure hits September 19, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 out August 28.
If you thought one Kirby was just too cute, imagine a whole cluster of them.
Check out the E3 trailer for Kirby Mass Attack.
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