This installment in the kirby game series is a great start , but doesn't have anything new to add like the other games.
The gameplay is what really gives this game a 9.5. Although, some people say it gets very boring after a while, I bet the didn't finsh the game and get the two super rare powers at the end. Their is a huge variety of powers in the game so, you don't have to worry about using the same 7 powers over and over. Finding the treasure chests is what is really fun though. Their are many treasure chests in each level. There are some that require a power, some you have to race before they fall into a pit, some you have to solve a puzzle to get, and some hidden in Golden Waddle Dee! ( Omg!) The gameplay is exciting and fresh which is what keeps this game a float.
The storymode is where it lacks a little. The storyline seems like it was put together in 5 minutes and the animation looks like something I could do (I'm not that good of an artist). The storyline is about someone stealing Kirby's shortcake. So he goes and tracks down the person and fights many people on the way. What really gets me though is why didn't he just go get another one.The storymode has 8 worlds with 6 levels in them. That makes a total of 48 levels. You could probaly get 100% in about 4 hours. The animation aren't so godd so you may find yourself skipping through most of them.
The replay value is pretty high due to it being a Kirby game. You can go back to any level ( and the secret map level) any time, even when you've finished it. The new powers once you beat the game like Ghost or Triple Star are really cool espically with ghost. With ghost you can control any enemy except for Bosses/Mini- Bosses. The only problem I've found with ghost is that you can sometimes not be able to go down ladders.
Bottom Line:The game is pretty good for all ages, but it still lacks a good storymode like Superstar Ultra and something unique of its own.