Prepare for a Kirby Balloon-Marshmallow-Cloud Puff Beatdown
The classic 2-D sidescrolling platforming Kirby is back in action and looks almost like it never aged. From sucking in and shisting out your enemies to obtain new power ups ranging from a swordmaster, fireball breather to a power hard hitting wrecking machine, Kirby delivers the goods. The action and orientation of the gameplay can really draw anyone in from the classic old school gamers to the avid ones looking for a good adventure game.
I really can't believe how good this game looks even now on the Wii. I mean were these supposed to be NES because if I'm not mistaken these graphics and sprites looked as if the early days of the SNES could've pulled them off with ease. From the smooth moving textures on the character sprites to the fast paced gameplay, you'll find yourself hooked as this adventure game will toss you into the world of Kirby that was meant to be played and experienced by all seeking a thrill for a fantasy quest.
The cute and adorable melodies that reside within Dreamland really bring an upbeat feel to this game. The sound effects from powers and attacks are progressively ambitious as well as some of the "boss" battle tunes.
Moving Kirby around from stage to stage is as tantalizing as it is addictive. Some of the controls are so simplistic and 2nd nature that you feel as if the Wiimote has turned into a genuine classic NES controller giving it a feel of that old school effect.
If you like Mario and are a fan of 2-D sidescrolling platformers this game is well worth your 500 ($5) points. I mean it delivers such a satisfying platforming experience and is action packed for a NES game. The amount of levels mixed with the easy going look and feel this game emanates really puts this at the top of the Kirby games as one of the all time greatest classic platformers. If you're up for a venture and like Kirby and his "sucking" ability in a good way, then you'll get some bang for your buck.