fun and easy to play any 5 year old could do it

User Rating: 8.1 | Hoshi no Kirby Yume no Izumi Deluxe GBA
This game is so easy until you get to the last few bosses, then it requires stradegy. The controls are really simple and the graphics are pretty good. Its so easy to play your five year old little brother could play, and still get pretty far. The levels are a snap and you can get past them easily. It's the bosses that are hard. You need to actually do something when your fighting the bosses other suck things up. Its really fun if you dont have it then buy it. It's not the best kirby game ever though. The other games were a little bit harder and required more stradegy to win. In this game though its just suck suck suck. The sound is great though. Espeically the music. Its really fun but its more used in the waiting room when it comes to playing it you dont play it because you want to that often.