An instant classic, one of the best games released for Wii to date.
Everything, from the graphics, to the music, and even the gameplay are a delight to the senses and an artistic masterpiece.
The first thing that will catch your eye is that this is no conventional kirby game. Everything is made of yarn and cloth, including our protagonist. The simple yet elegant style for this game allows for a lot of beautiful textures everywhere, there is not a single bland area in the entire game.
The music is amazing. Each tune matches in perfectly with the quality of its corresponding level, and the instruments are interesting as well. I've noticed that there is almost an absence of synthesized music in this game, most everything is played from classical instruments. Especially impressive are some of the piano parts, many of which you might even like to learn for yourself as a few are easy to learn, but sound great. Overall, the music lends another layer to the game as you traverse its immersive depths.
The gameplay is innovative and fresh. Kirby is given several new abilities, the most important of which relies on his ability to throw a string of yarn to unravel, grab, unzip, or grapple objects. Though Kirby cannot suck up enemies as usual in this game, he is given various abilities, some of which are default and others based on the level he is in. Another great feature is the addition of co-op, in which the second player can join in as Prince Fluff, who is sort of a blue Kirby with a crown and angry eyebrows. The addition of a second player is a wonderful addition and is pulled off brilliantly.
Although the game is fairly easy, since there is no death, players will want to avoid taking damage anyway because it depletes the beads that they spent the entire level collecting. Get hit enough, and Kirby will get no beads. Even without death, there's still much of a challenge to be had. The bonus missions are a lot of fun to play and challenge you to complete certain objectives, such as finding 5 of what resemble Pixls from Super Paper Mario, Collecting a certain amount of beads in a limited time, or transporting a "Pixl" from point A to point B.
This is a game that should not be missed. It's an instant classic that can be enjoyed by people of any age, even despite its inherent cuteness.
Thanks for reading, now go buy it!