This is one of the best 3D platformers you can buy.
Great animation, the levels are creatively superb, and the characters are well drawn.
Gameplay: 17/20
Run, Jump, and Shoot. As simple as that. Not mention what the missions ask you to do.
Storyline: 18/20
An ingenious mix of.. well, everything. The storyline is very interesting.
Audio: 9/10
The music is astonishing. But i would love to understand what they're saying, instead of having to read.
Sidequests: 8/10
Collecting Stars (6 of them in each level), and get puppets when you get them all. You can also re-challenge the bosses and beat your best time, and also collect gems.
Other: 18/20
Easiness to Learn: 18/20 Piece of cake. Not much to it.
Total: 88/100 = 8.8/10 (9.0)
This game came free with my first PS2. It captured my imagination ('course I was very little back then). I still own the very same copy. The beaten and battered, 8 year old CD of, honestly, one of the best games ever. This is simplicity at it's best.