What can I say About Knight Online

User Rating: 8.5 | Knight Online PC
Knight Online is a Free MMORPG game. The game it self it very fun and addicting. I've been playing off and on since 2005. It has a lot to offer you with a level cap of 83. You can party with other players or do quests, and you also have a lot of options for PvP(Player Vs. Player) Combat. The downside about this game is there are way to many Turkish players, So it's hard to understand whats going on in a party or a group based PvP event. But they do have a server in the game for English and Spanish speaking players only called Carnac-West. Another huge downside about the game is the company that runs it K2 Network does very little to keep the game clean. The GM's are rarely on and hackers run free. But if you have a good group of friends to play with and report the hackers as you see them the game should be a fun and enjoyable experience for you.