A Contract that involves fustrating QTE is not worth signing up.
The core gameplay itself is a standard hack and slash with combos, but with witches spells that are thrown in to spice up the combat and a mortal AI companion that you need to protect. For the most part, it works really well. Certain creatures are immune to certain type of attacks or spells that require a different approach to engage them and it makes the combat challenging. On the other hand, upgrades to your main character is limited (heck you get all the combos unlocked on the start) and physical combat combo are rather limited as a result, and most of the time spamming attack is the will get pass most of the stagest. Inventory and spell upgrades are very basic.
the game is designed to 20++ levels and each could take up to 40 mins to complete with leaderboard as the sole replay value. Most of the levels are not as linear as God of war and this encourage exploration similiar to ninja gaiden.
Boss battles on the other hand are painfully fustrating. The biggest fustration comes from the combat, Most of my deaths are due to:
(a)cheap deaths - most of the cases are where i m been push out of the arena by some cheap ground pound which bombard me off arena
(b) dumb companion AI - which most of the time would just stand next to you and get pounded. Ie 5th boss has a 1 hit kill slam which will kill my female companion instantly.
(c) extremely precise QTE in boss fights on top of the input lag due to it been a poor PS3 port
(d) boss fight are not really exciting as i hope to be.
(e) piss poor checkpoint system and they are so far apart.
On the other hand, the bosses art design are rather unique and each having different backstory and attacks and weakness make you think that the designer work really hard on it but ultimately fail in the gameplay part.
Graphics: Bad, something from the Ninja gaidensigma quality (3/10) and on top of the issue, bad performace and stability
Audio: Combat sound is rather mediocre, voice acting is average and a very animish conversation lines for a game about a german forklore (6/10)
PS: save you money and get the PS3 version which does not had any critical technical issues. For now the x360 is a really bad port