It's good depending on what you find fun in a game.
User Rating: 6.8 | Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade PC
The graphics were fairly mediocre, so no real comment there. The sounds is ok, but it's really just a few tracks on repeat. They help you get into the game without being distracting, and that's what i like about them. The story is kinda dry. It's like someone came up with a preliminary storyboard, thought about putting in some twists, and decided it would be too much work. Think you know what's going to happen?'re right. The most entertaining part of the game for me was the actual combat. Once you figure out all your moves, you can put combo after combo to slice and dice your enemies, but put the wrong moves together and you'll get your butt handed to you. The swordplay looks fantastic and can be surprisingly cool. Love the combat, but it can get repetitive if you don't use the new skills they give you. New skills and combos are paced so about the time you've learned one, they give you another.
Now the bad news: The camera sucks. Imagine playing a game with views from security cameras in the top corner of rooms. Viola. Problem is that when you go from room to room you don't know what's coming. If you fight in a doorway, you'll never see who you're fighting or his stance, so you'd better hope that you either force him into the next room or fall back into the previous one. It's a pain. If you switch to your bow, you can see through doorways and have a look around. Use that to your advantage and the camera sucks a little less. The levels are fairly linear, and the puzzles could be solved by a four year old.
Overall, I think the game depends on how interested you are in the various moves you can put together and the combat. If you don't like heavy handed swordplay, don't get the game.