Thisgame is sick, i don't know why people say its rubbish, i think its great! the game their are a total of 4 weapons - sword, axe, bow and mace, this makes the game slightly more strategic in places. The controls are good, the style of play is button smashing in combos. you can upgrade yourself and learn magic. The reason i put this game as very hard is not because of the enemies, it's the puzzles, they are the hardest i have ever come across!!
If you give this game a chance you will certainly like it, its very long and entertaining, the soundtrack isnt bad either (Within Temptation).
All in all this is a solid game but what lets it down is the super hardness of the puzzles but hardcore gamers should give this a try!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade
Knight of the Temple is a game well you guessed it a game about a Knight where he has to Stop the Evil Bishop from doing something Really Evil. I cant really say that The story is good since i never got to grips with it... Read Full Review
Knights of the temple, the infernal crusade lets you play as a medieval knight. it's a third-person-hack-'n -slash game with some minor puzzle-element. the gameplay: it's a lot like the lord of the rings-games by EA fo... Read Full Review