Boring level design and under-cooked. Enclave was flawed but much better than this.

User Rating: 6 | Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade PC
I played the full UK version and it is just OK as a combat-action game. The levels are pretty small and linear. The combat is particularly simplistic. The graphics are a huge step down from Starbreeze's other games like Riddick and Enclave so you have been warned that the graphics are nothing special. The game does one thing very well: the motion-captured animation makes all of the movements during combat look very realistic. Unfortunately, you cant really get close enough to the fights to really enjoy the great animation. Why? The camera is fixed in every room you walk into, much like Prince of Persia. It doesn't wreck the game but it lends to the feeling that you are being pushed through the game with little free-will choice about how you are going to play the game. Overall, it feels like a demo of some other game that isn't complete, rather than a fully-complete game. Play Riddick instead . . .